For The 2nd Time, I Love You.

while she lost her memory, his and her magical ring did not. will it bring them together again?

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Feng ChengYou - The only heir of the Fengs' Entertainment Cooperation (FEC). The losing of his loved one made him reject any girl that his family introduced to him. Was finally giving up on YingLing and marrying RuiWen when he discover the existence on TianLan, and knew from her actions and the ring that she was indeed YingLing, but TianLan did not remember him. Causing him to try all sorts of ways, just to let her remember him.

Ruan YingLing/ Liao TianLan - Lost her memory during an accident and was saved by TianXiao. Was harrassed by ChengYou constantly due to her similarity with YingLing. The heiress of Ruans' fortune but due to a tampered will, she was left with nothing. Had depression but the only one who stayed by her side was TianXiao.

Liao TianXiao - Cold and does not expresses his feelings, especially his concern for TianLan. Originally wanted to treat TianLan as his sister but instead fell in love with her. The only one that can understand him is TianLan, thus he was hesistant to ask her to stay when she announced that she'll be working in FEC. Was happy enough to be a guardian angel of TianLan and guard her silently.

Chen Rui Wen - The one who tampered the will in order to let ChengYou's parents, give up on YingLing, who became penniless. Loved ChengYou and hated TianLan for coming into his life. Caused misunderstandings between them and even tried to persuade TianXiao to assist her in breaking them up.


  • At 12:25 AM, Blogger kai ru said…

    its an irony that zhang jun teng, being a playboy, would actually stand by ya yan when she's in trouble. it is likely that he's not doing that genuinely.

  • At 2:09 AM, Blogger xy. said…

    haiz...sry lor...i changin the script n a bit of characters le...but in tis case, jun teng wanted to hav all his fun before he met his true love, n tats when he'll settle down...


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